What is a Holistic Health Practitioner?

A Holistic Health Practitioner is like a doctor, but they deal with the spiritual symptoms of an illness or condition. Traditionally, a doctor would treat your body and not your mind, or treat your mind and not your body. None of these approaches deal with any spiritual matters. Like a holistic health practitioner would. A holistic health practitioner doesn’t see the mind, the body, and the spirit as three separate entities. Instead, a holistic health practitioner looks for ways to cure symptoms other than with pharmaceuticals. Holistic Health Practitioners maintain that the mind, spirit, and body are all intertwined, and that only focusing on one of them will give an incomplete view.

A holistic health practitioner may do a variety of different things depending on who you are dealing with. Sometimes your holistic health practitioner will refer to the treatments as natural health, complimentary health, or alternative health.

What does a Holistic Health Practitioner do?

A holistic health practitioner is different from a holistic doctor. Whenever the word “doctor” is used, it usually refers to an actual doctor with an MD who also just so happens to be a holistic health practitioner. If you want to find a holistic doctor, then you have to search for someone who has formal medical training who also is a holistic health practitioner.

It is recommended that anyone with chronic conditions or illnesses who go to a holistic health practitioner to also have a holistic doctor. Some aspects of having a disease or illness do require a doctor, so finding a doctor that is also a holistic health practitioner is very beneficial.

Although a holistic health practitioner might also be a medical doctor, other professionals in the health care sector are also often holistic health practitioners.
Holistic health practitioners are getting more in demand because as people are more and more beginning to realize that the spirit, body, and mind are all connected, they realize how important it is to treat the whole person and adopting a more holistic approach. There is a lot of value in treating health issues with more natural preventative methods, and that is exactly what a holistic health care practitioner or holistic medicine practitioner would advocate.

Many holistic health practitioners specialize in a few areas. For example, a reiki holistic health practitioner may also focus on massage therapy too. It is rare to find a holistic health practitioner that does everything, so often times a person may have more than one holistic health practitioner.

A holistic health practitioner can be a nurse, an acupuncturist, a dentist, a massage therapist, a chiropractor, biofeedback therapist etc. A holistic health practitioner can even specialize in holistic health for animals. Even though there are many different types of holistic health practitioners, they all understand the importance of the alternate health lifestyle, including diet, exercise, nutrition, and other holistic health options.

How to choose a holistic health practitioner?

Before deciding on a holistic health practitioner, it is important to know what it is exactly that you are trying to accomplish based on your specific circumstances. For example, some people want to consult more than one holistic health practitioner in order to get multiple treatment options, while other people prefer to just have one holistic health practitioner.

For example, if you want to look into the different aspects of aroma healing then you would consult a holistic health practitioner who is an aromatherapist. If pain relief is your goal then you may want to seek out a holistic health practitioner who specializes in chiropractics, biofeedback or acupuncture.

Probably the most important criteria is that you should choose a holistic health practitioner who will give you a treatment plan that you are comfortable with. This may mean visiting more than one holistic health practitioner before making your final choice. Be sure to find out what aspect of holistic health you want to explore so that you know exactly what you want.

Where can I find a Holistic Health Practitioner?

You can find a holistic health care practitioner (along with fantastic information about the many different aspects of holistic health healing) online at a site like holistichealthcalgary.com. Other places include the yellow pages or by doing a quick search online you can find a holistic health practitioner in your area. As holistic health is becoming more and more popular, you will usually find several options available to you in your local area.

Another place that would probably have great information on where you can find a good holistic health practitioner in your area is at your local health food store. If they don’t have any fliers advertising holistic health options, then you can always ask the store employees if they can recommend a holistic health practitioner as they probably have great connections in the holistic health community.