Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Today people of all ages struggle with stress to a lesser or greater degree. Some of those who suffer to a greater degree may be diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is important to understand it, identify its source and then make an action plan on how to reduce stress in one’s life.

Stress can be experienced physically, emotionally, mentally, and or a combination of these three. If significant, as in the case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), maladaptive behaviors towards self or others may manifest.

PTSD is an emotional illness described as a severe anxiety disorder. The disorder results from an extreme trauma or a prolonged series of stressful events such as war, divorce, death of a loved one, unemployment, or a life threatening health diagnosis which creates high levels of anxiety. PTSD sufferers often re-experience the traumatic event or events in some way. They tend to be overly sensitive to normal life experiences and display long-lasting problems in emotional and social functioning.

Surprisingly, children also are susceptible to PTSD. Family members of people who suffer with this disorder are affected as well, as their stress levels increase in coping with the behaviors or mood swings of their loved one. It is prudent for everyone to find healthy ways to reduce stress levels. Long term stress or anxiety results in an increased release of cortisol and adrenaline into the system, taxing the adrenals which can result in sleep problems and fatigue. Digestive issues and a weakened immune system may result. Clearly, if the stress is not reduced, a cascade of health problems may ensue.

I find that people respond very well to a combination of Biofeedback and Psychosomatic Energetics. They both address and reduce the stress associated with PTSD. Biofeedback quickly reduces stress levels, whereas Psychosomatic Energetics helps to neutralize the emotional root cause. They both support the physical as well as the emotional needs in different ways. With PTSD, it is imperative that the patient is also under the supervision and care of their medical care provider.