Did you know…..? Long term stress is now considered to be a toxic disease. Why, you may ask. Long term, ongoing stress creates an inner tension which triggers the sympathetic nervous system. In this state the limbic brain is put on constant alert, preventing relaxation....

Children's Health The past number of months has seen an influx of children, of all ages, coming in for support due to behavioural issues, learning difficulties, autism and the ADHD spectrum. It is wonderful to be a witness and realize that the work with Biofeedback and...

Healthy Wealth Infusions - by Mary Anne Lema I refer to wealthy health as a balance of all the various areas of life which help to create a state of well being. The areas are as follows: health (physical and emotional), relationship with significant other,  finances,...

February is heart month and includes both the physical and emotional heart. There are 5 emotional traumas, if unresolved, will lodge in the heart area of the body. This can result in panic attacks, depression, anxiety and or cardiovascular challenges. Energy medicine can help support...

An attitude of gratitude can enhance one's capacity to experience happiness and joy, even through times of difficulty. When I reflect on the words of Simon and Garfunkel in 'Bridge Over Troubled Waters', it seems that gratitude would be part of the construction of the...

Do you know that the unborn as well as infants and toddles can experience emotional traumas? Although they may not cognitively remember, it is recorded in their cellular memory. If unresolved it can adversely impact their lives, either physically or emotionally. A sixteen year old recently...

Today people of all ages struggle with stress to a lesser or greater degree. Some of those who suffer to a greater degree may be diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is important to understand it, identify its source and then make an...

Mental health is in the news these days. It accounts for a vast drain in our workforce. For those who have noticed the recent TV educational reports, it is estimated that 500,000 people call in sick each day, many suffering in silence. Edmonton Police reported...

The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered “Man, because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices his money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not...

Today, people of all ages struggle with stress to a lesser or greater degree. In a recent news broadcast, it was reported that 26% of emergency room visits are anxiety related. Given that research indicates it is responsible for over 90% of all health challenges,...