What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/Attention Deficit Disorder?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/Attention Deficit Disorder is a comprehensive disorder for which there is no definitive test. The diagnosis is made through observation of behaviors among children and adults including hyperactivity, difficulty in holding attention as well as impulsive actions. There are three types of ADHD. Diagnosis is determined by the different signs and symptoms a person is exhibiting.

1.     ADHD-Predominately inattentive and often referred to as Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD. This individual is easily distracted, has difficulty remaining focused and following direction, and has difficulty getting organized.

2.      ADHD-Predominately hyperactive manifests with excessive talking, fidgeting; the individual has difficulty remaining on task, exhibits impulsive and or destructive behaviors, hyperactivity and chronic or exaggerated impatience

3.      ADHD-Combined type is characterized by symptoms that are a combination of the previous two types. This is the most common type.

Understanding the Brain-The systems that govern the brain a complex.

The cells of the brain must communicate constantly, which is accomplished by transmitting electoral signals along the neurons that connect one part of the brain to another. The electrical signals are expressed as brain waves. A healthy, balanced, properly regulated nervous system will produce appropriate brain waves at the appropriate levels at the appropriate times for any given situation. Hormones are involved in brain function.

The four distinct brain wave frequencies

Beta Waves – are emitted when we are alert, or we feel agitated, tense, afraid.
Alpha Waves – are emitted when we are in a state of physical and mental. relaxation.
Theta Waves – are emitted during a state of deep relaxation.
Delta Waves – are emitted when there is deep restorative sleep.
Should cellular brain communication malfunction the individual may exhibit a neurological disregulation, with symptoms of inattention and or hyperactivity, to name just a few. This malfunction in communication may also result in anxiety disorders.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder impairs a child’s ability to function well, socially, academically or at home.  Behaviors may be exaggerated with stress at home, such as marital discord, a move, illness or any significant life event.


of children with this disorder exhibit oppositional defiant disorder, manifesting as severe hostility and aggression.


of children with this disorder, particularly those with Attention Deficit Disorder, experience depression and low self-esteem. They tend to feel isolated, inadequate, frustrated by their social problems and experience challenges in achieving academically.


or children with this disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder develop an anxiety disorder. Anxiety symptoms may include any of the following-fear, panic, excessive worry; they may develop digestive issues, excessive sweating or a racing heart.


of these children are believed to struggle with a learning disability.

Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder tend to suffer with anxiety disorder such as depression, which can lead to low self-esteem, difficulties in the workplace and relationship problems.

Holistic Health Calgary provides energy medicine in the form of biofeedback and very specific homeopathic remedies from Germany to address the causes and symptoms of ADHD. We also align with a team of outstanding, holistic doctors and health professionals of various disciplines who can be referred to and utilized in supporting the patient in a patient’s return to health.

How can Holistic Health Calgary help you in addressing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

Biofeedback Therapy is extremely effective in reducing stress which may be contributing to the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder as well as Attention Deficit Disorder.  It is designed to first identify the underlying electro-magnetic stressors causing the symptoms of the disorder and then quickly and effectively provides relief of those symptoms. There are thousands of bio-resonance wave possibilities to provide enhanced reduction of the symptoms associated with ADHD.

– The brain is supported with bio-resonance waves to help correct the miscommunication.
– The digestive system is addressed.
– Emotional challenges and neruo-emotional challenges are identified and addressed
– Hormones are energetically supported.

The system is designed to first identify the underlying electro-magnetic stressors causing the symptoms of the disorder and then quickly and effectively provides relief of those symptoms. There are thousands of bio-resonance wave possibilities to provide enhanced reduction of the symptoms associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

To view ‘Children’s Health & Biofeedback’ DVD – Click Here

Our Process

-We check for common food sensitivities and substances which may be causing toxicity and creating inflammation, which can affect the brain, thus behavior.

-Supplementation may be recommended to support proper cellular communication and brain health.

-Specific energetic remedies from Germany may be used to help reduce the symptoms of anxiety and inner tension experienced by those suffering with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Traumatic life events may be addressed with Bioenergetic Therapeutics.

Note, we do not diagnose. We address the symptoms energetically, support good nutritional choices, and may suggest a detox program.