
What we don’t know

Packing up my booth at the New Earth Trade Show this past April, I was approached by the organizer Gail. She informed me that I was the only one she could think of to ask for help. You see, a woman who had attended the work shop with Greg Braden, sponsored by the New Earth Expo, was planning to commit suicide. Feeling exhausted, I agreed to meet her, said a silent prayer asking for divine guidance and the energy to help this woman. We spent a fair bit of time talking. I mostly listened and she mostly talked. She had a plan on how to end her life. She refused my suggestion to get medical help and felt she was unable to see me for service.

She ended up agreeing to not follow through on her plan for the time being.

I phoned her a few days later and coached her on how to set healthier boundaries so that she could take back her power and not continue to feel victimized. We practiced different scenarios regarding her challenges with family members that had for years made her life seem too painful to bear.

This is an email that I recently received from Gail.
I am removing some of the names to protect the privacy of individuals. I am sharing this in hopes that we consider how we truly touch people by our attitudes and actions. We can choose to preform random acts of kindness, setting into place the possibility of healing, hope and joy.
It can be as simple as a smile or giving way to another on the roads as we travel. Our actions and attitudes, be they positive or negative, impact others in ways we may not be aware of.

Email from Gail:

“My dear friends Greg, Ruby and Mary Anne,
I had a conversation with my friend yesterday and it touched me so deeply that I wanted to share it with the three people who helped to turn a life around.He told me of a lady in one of his Circles who had woken up one day deciding that this was the day she was going to end her life.That was April 26. The one thing that stopped her was she was going to see you Greg at the conference.So thank you Greg for doing what you do and knowing intuitively that this lady was in need of help. Thank you Ruby for handling the situation the way that you did, and bringing the lady to me with such special care. And thank you Mary Anne for taking this lady under your wing and bringing her into your heart. You truly are a gifted individual.In my re line, I said everything happens for a reason and I truly believe that it does. My friend and I sponsored a draw to win free tickets to see you Greg. This lady couldn’t afford to buy a ticket and she won hers. Coincidence? I don’t believe so.You will all be happy to learn that she is doing really well now. She’s attending my friend’s Circle and is making future plans and has some goals that she wants to reach.
How cool is that!
Thank you all for doing what you do… 🙂
Much love,
