28 Mar Children’s Health
Children’s Health
The past number of months has seen an influx of children, of all ages, coming in for support due to behavioural issues, learning difficulties, autism and the ADHD spectrum. It is wonderful to be a witness and realize that the work with Biofeedback and Psychosomatic Energetics can have such a positive impact on these children and subsequently their families.
I have such admiration for the parents and grandparents of these children. Their patience, care, love and commitment to helping their child be as healthy and well-adjusted as possible is commendable!
There are far too many young people who are struggling with learning disabilities, self-esteem issues, anxiety, addiction, emotional and mental health challenges. We often hear of a young person attempting to or succeeding in taking their own life. One is too many!
There seems to be a misconception that if a baby or young child has experienced a traumatic situation that he/she will not remember. Cognitively this may well be true, however every cell of the body will carry the imprint of the event. Unless addressed it can create many challenges in the near or far off future. Psychosomatic Energetics, a therapy brought to North America from Germany, is an extremely valuable tool to get to these deep rooted cause(s) of many undesirable symptoms that a child or teen ager may experience and or exhibit. In clinical studies with children, the treatment showed a success rate above 90%.
If you know of a child that is struggling please make someone aware of it. There are many options available which can help. Certainly the work that Holistic Health Calgary offers has been proven, time and again, to be very effective. There are many other options available such as school councillors, child psychologists, as well as the medical system.
The children of today will mold the future of our country. It is extremely important to support them and enable them to gain the tools and confidence needed to choose wisely as they become older, so as to make healthy choices for themselves and be positive and active members of their families and communities in later life.