BEMER for Vascular Microcirculation

Using very specific bio electromagnetic frequency pulses, the BEMER stimulates the circulation in the smallest blood vessels – the capillaries – referred to as microcirculation. The therapy improves restricted circulation, supporting the body’s own self-healing and regeneration processes.

In fact, the word BEMER stands for Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation.

As stagnant blood starts to flow more freely, trillions of cells throughout the body receive increased oxygen and nutrient delivery.  As the cells become better nourished and oxygenated, the immune system is supported, inflammation is reduced, and overall health is improved. The body also becomes more effective at dispelling waste and toxins via the lymphatic system, liver and kidneys.

Click HERE to see a video of the improvement in blood flow using the BEMER.

Why is microcirculation important? 75% of our blood is found in these tiny capillaries, with only 25% circulating through the heart, arteries and veins.  Stagnant blood flow results in many health challenges, some of which can be life-threatening.

What causes our microcirculation to become sluggish? Stress creates tension within our entire being.  Tension results in a tightening of our muscles including those within the walls of the blood vessels which can slow down circulation.  Accumulation of toxins in tissues can also impede the microcirculation. Normal ageing and conditions such as diabetes and hypertension also affect and restrict the microcirculation, to name just a few causes.


Improves Circulation – The health of every cell in the body is dependent on the blood circulation it receives. Continued poor circulation decreases the availability and absorption of nutrients into the cells.  As the BEMER re-establishes proper circulation, the increased blood flow improves and alleviates many health issues.

The BEMER also offers a solid option for those who want to stay healthy, to prevent health issues in the future.

Targets Cells –Targeting the body at the cellular level is essential for long-term health.  The BEMER works at the level of the trillions of cells that comprise all the organs, tissues, muscles, ligaments, tendons, arteries, veins, capillaries, nerves, brain, etc. supporting the body’s own self-healing processes.  Healthy microcirculation stimulates ATP Production which is the energy the cells produce and store and is required for healthy function.

The people who use the BEMER regularly and consistently report that they experience increased energy and improved overall health.

Increases Oxygen Circulation – Oxygen saturation is a must when it comes to keeping the body healthy.  If the oxygen is not getting into the cells, they cannot function properly.

Cellular respiration takes place in the presence of oxygen. With insufficient oxygen, there is an increase in the production of lactic acid which increases the acidity in the cells, leading to cellular death.


The technology was developed in Germany, is manufactured in Switzerland, has five international patents and is currently sold in 43 countries worldwide.

The company is currently working towards using this technology to help with the re-entry of astronauts upon their return to earth.


Using the BEMER to improve microcirculation is safe for all age groups with no negative side effects having been reported.

There is one restriction. As this therapy supports and enhances the immune system, those who have had organ transplants and/or are on immune suppressant medication should not use this device.


The BEMER can be used alone or in conjunction with Biofeedback to enhance the overall benefits of in-office Biofeedback sessions.  The BEMER can also be used along with chiropractic, massage therapy, physiotherapy and/or nutritional therapy.


Here is my beloved Tigger having a BEMER session.

He loves it and even asks for his turn. In the first month of using it, Tigger’s hair on his back grew back thick and fluffy – hair that he had lost 2 years ago when he was very ill.





Holistic Health Calgary is a supplier for the BEMER unit. Unit rentals are available.  The fee for the initial rental period can be applied towards a future purchase.