DISTANCE BIO FEEDBACK - I have worked with Mary Anne Lema over the past three years and have benefitted greatly from her biofeedback sessions. The changes are subtle and have resulted in increased well-being for me. A year ago I moved to British Columbia and have found the distance sessions to be just as effective as the face-to-face sessions.
Lorna L
What makes Mary Anne special is her generosity, keen sensitivity and sincere commitment. What I have valued most about my time with Mary Anne is she recognized in me a struggle I couldn’t articulate. She readily acknowledged my vague feelings of ‘unwell’, where no other physicians were able to establish what ailed me. Healing is a process and Mary Anne gave me a beginning.
D.W. - Actress
I am writing to tell you about my experiences using the services of Mary Anne as a biofeedback therapist. First and foremost, I would like to say that throughout my family’s dealings with Mary Anne, she has been kind, caring and an extremely compassionate woman. She is passionate about what she does and in her efforts to help people in whatever area they personally need. For my family’s purposes, we first met with Mary Anne when my husband and I felt like we were at the “end of our rope” with our teenage daughter. I had heard from several of my friends that there was nothing to be done about the dreaded mood swings she was going through. Well, Mary Anne proved them wrong. After some homeopathic remedies and approximately 6 biofeedback treatments, our daughter is back to being the lovable, caring person we knew she really was. Sure, she is still a teenager and not perfect, but life is substantially better for all of us. So not only are we happy to have her back – but she is happy not to feel that way as well. What a world of difference Mary Anne has made in this girl’s life! With that success under our belt, we then took our son to Mary Anne. He had been talking about not sleeping well but even of more concern, complaining about himself and of talking of being sad all the time. His school was nagging at us to have him assessed and we could predict that they were looking for him to be put on medication. As a parent, there is nothing scarier than not knowing what is going on in your child’s head or being able to make them feel good about themselves – no matter how hard you try. And the fear that you as a parent live with wondering what the ramifications of this could be is over whelming. Once again, Mary Anne got involved and assessed him with kindness and treated him with a series of biofeedback treatments and some homeopathic remedies. The result is that our son is more focused in school and at home. He is energetic and happy to go to school and ultimately takes on the world in a better place. As you can imagine, it is really difficult for me to express the impact that this one lady has had on our family’s life in 2013. But if it wasn’t clear from the above – the impact was substantial. What I can also say is that, if there is something in your life or your loved one’s life that doesn’t quite sit right – I would highly recommend that you meet with Mary Anne and explore some alternative methods like Mary Anne has provided to us. Thank you Mary Anne!
Andrea C
FOR MY DOG - I have used biofeedback for my dog on a number of occasions. 1. My dog had such anxiety when traveling that I had to repeatedly clean my car whenever he traveled. After 2 biofeedback sessions this was no longer an issue. 2. After treating him for fleas and ticks he developed an allergic reaction and his eyes became very inflamed. After 2 rounds of eye drops, which did not clear the eye inflammation, I tried biofeedback. The following day his eyes were clear. 3. He developed an ear fungal infection. His recovery was really slow with the solution to deal with this condition so I had him receive biofeedback. It was clear by the next day.
Mary B
Although my struggles are not over, my life has greatly improved. I have gone from having little hope to thinking I can have a normal life; I have gone from having a disfigured face to be recognizable to the people I know and to myself; from being in constant excruciating pain to minimal pain; from having a rash all over my body to having it localized to my upper body; from being bed ridden to being able to walk up and down a staircase with minimal fatigue; from feeling sorrow and despair to feeling less sorrow and more joy. Mary Anne, thank you for your time and dedication, and for being part of my personal growth. What you have done for me sometimes brings me to tears. Bless you.
Grace H – RNA
Mary Anne has been a caring presence and is a resourceful practitioner. Her grasp of the variety of tools at hand is excellent and upon learning of my presenting issues, she immediately began verifying and assessing a corrective course of action. Within a few weeks physical and life symptoms were significantly eased. I recommend her services.
Ariel Learoyd, RSW, RMT, Reiki Master, Teacher
Dear Mary Anne, I want to extend my gratitude to you for helping two of our family members. Since you began treating my daughter and wife they have gone through some very big changes. It would be simpler to list them here than to explain each one so here goes. Breanna (my daughter) 1. Never finishes – she will start something, then get bored and let it sit – (Fixed) 2. Problems sleeping at night – She would consistently wake up at night – (Fixed) 3. Did not feel important to herself – She would be down on herself and not dress up or fix her hair etc. – (Fixed) 4. Anger management – She would get very angry and stay in her room all day – (Fixed) I believe that the changes we have seen in Breanna are directly related to your drops and the application of your practice. Thank you very much for pulling a full 360 out of our daughter. Natasha (my wife) has been on the program for a shorter time, but here are the changes that we have currently noticed. 1. Wake up angry – She would wake up with a negative emotion daily – (Fixed) 2. Patience – She would get angry quickly and stay for a long time – (Fixed) 3. Self Esteem – She wasn’t able to walk into uncomfortable situations – (Fixed) 4. Anxiety – Natasha would feel anxious about everything – (Fixed) Again I believe your drops and the application of your service are directly related. Thank you so much for all you have done for our family. We will gladly tell our story and recommend your services to anyone!
Dwight Koeinning and Natasha Koeinning, DEK Technologies Okotoks
FOR OUR HORSE - Our daughter has a wonderful horse which became lame by slipping on some ice last winter. Soon after this she received 2 hot nails during re-shoeing which infected her lame foot. She got an antibiotic to combat the infection but became allergic to it, getting a really bad skin infection. She was not a happy horse, which is so unusual because she normally has such a calm, wonderful demeanor. After some different medication and lots of tender-loving care, our horse slowly started to get better. While she was getting better was about the time Mary Anne first saw her. Mary Anne did biofeedback on our horse which resulted in some very interesting things: • Mary Anne noticed that our horse was very stressed with a low immune system. Her crown chakra was her biggest challenge. These were all supported by the fact she had a bad skin infection. • Mary Anne felt our horse is very sensitive, very aware and something really bothered her about 18 months ago. Our daughter rode another horse while our horse was sick, which caused our horse to be jealous. The barn moved locations about 18 months ago and there was a death in the barn owner’s family – both which may have caused her stress. • My other daughter and I went out to feed our horse soon after Mary Anne saw her. We called her name and she walked right over to us brushing up against us. This was unusual. After feeding her, we took her back to the big field and she noticeably stayed at the gate watching us walk away. Her attentiveness was remarkable. We will never know for sure the impact Mary Anne had on our horse with the biofeedback. Her comments about our horse being very sensitive and aware were very true. Her comments about something bothering our horse 18 months ago were also true. The increased attentiveness of our horse around the time she was doing biofeedback on her was very noticeable. And the fact our horse got better at the time she was doing biofeedback, is also very interesting. We don’t feel things happen by coincidence – instead things happen for a reason. We appreciate the caring and insightful impact Mary Anne had on our horse. People spend tremendous amounts of money on their horses. We encourage horse owners to consider using Mary Anne and biofeedback as a different and alternative way of helping their horses.
Pete & Barb Oxland
From the first moment I met Mary Anne over ten years ago, I knew that she was a gifted person. We have taken many nutrition courses together over the years, and it has been a pleasure to see her expertise expand. Her commitment to serving others, and her natural deep-rooted integrity make Mary Anne’s service a complete package. She is detail oriented, and has a wide range of skills in her tool kit; she is an excellent listener, and has a wonderful way of helping people truly understand their natural health. You can be sure that a visit to Mary Anne will help you find solutions for your health challenges on more than one level. I highly recommend her!
Sheila Phemister – Teacher
Mary Anne, I just wanted to follow up and let you know how wonderful I felt after my ‘Solutions’ session with you today. I left feeling lighter and brighter and still feel that way hours later. I really appreciate the new awareness and healing I received today. This will benefit me not only personally but in my work with helping others. I would absolutely recommend your services to anyone wanting to release emotional, mental and physical blocks that are standing in the way of living to their fullest potential. I will be booking another session in the near future.
Rosanna Sardella with Emerge for Inner Healing
Mary Anne is a compassionate and gifted healer. Her biofeedback and Solution’s Process is simple and powerful. I experienced huge release of old energetic family patterns that were holding me back from having the love, joy, and happiness I most want. I feel freer! Thank you.
Mary Jane Kapteyn - The Modern Monk
I first contacted Mary Anne about RIFE Therapy when I was told that the breast cancer had returned and was in my lungs and lymph nodes (RIFE has been used to help treat cancer). Panic attacks and anxiety were overtaking me. Mary Anne completed the intake and gave me my first biofeedback treatment. She has worked on multiple issues. ( I am a complicated case!) Thankfully, after seeing Mary Anne, further testing for cancer showed that it had disappeared. I am able to completely relax and can actually breath better during and after a treatment. Biofeedback helped me to get the anxiety under control. Mary Anne also treated me with Psychosomatic Energetics (PSE). I found that to be beneficial in combination with the biofeedback. Mary Anne’s calm and caring spirit and her skills in biofeedback and PSE have been an enormous blessing in my life. She helped me get through the biggest scare I’ve had in my life and has continued to support me to achieve good physical, mental and spiritual health. She truly is an earth angel. I recommend her to people as much as I can.
Janet B
OUR DOG - Our little dog Marcel was so afraid of everyone and everything. He would bark, shake and hide whenever anyone came around. It was very upsetting for us to see him in such distress. I saw Mary Anne’s advertisement at a couple of places so decided it was worth a try. Mary Anne came to our home and assessed Marcel, used some biofeedback and then recommended some homeopathic drops. We noticed a difference right away and of course living with him we saw changes happen gradually. Our family and friends started to comment on how different he is. Now he greets people at the door and is happy to see them. We took him on vacation this summer where he was with four other dogs and many people and he had a wonderful time. We can’t say enough about how Mary Anne has helped Marcel!
Leigh M