Does life ever feel like a game of snakes and ladders? This past week has been such for me. My purse with over $460.00, my identification, credit cards, and cell phone disappeared. As though this was not enough, on my way home that night I...

Do you know that the unborn as well as infants and toddles can experience emotional traumas? Although they may not cognitively remember, it is recorded in their cellular memory. If unresolved it can adversely impact their lives, either physically or emotionally. A sixteen year old recently...

Are you happy with your ‘JOB’? Lately the subject of a calling or vocation has kept reappearing. What is a calling or vocation? This is where an individual’s strengths and interests are matched with a need; thus giving deep satisfaction from work, whether it be gainful employment,...

This form of energy medicine imprints the energy of a substance without using the actual physical substance. The further the substance is diluted with systematic mixing through vigorous shaking, the more powerful the frequency of the remedy becomes. At a time in history, over 200 years...

Russ Dantu is a member of Alienation (, speaking to youth on the subjects of racism, bullying, drugs, alcohol, suicide, acceptance, peer pressure and other social issues they may be struggling with; helping youth make wiser decisions and unleash their potential. He has given me...

Today people of all ages struggle with stress to a lesser or greater degree. Some of those who suffer to a greater degree may be diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is important to understand it, identify its source and then make an...

Mental health is in the news these days. It accounts for a vast drain in our workforce. For those who have noticed the recent TV educational reports, it is estimated that 500,000 people call in sick each day, many suffering in silence. Edmonton Police reported...

Another Christmas season! From past experience I am all too aware of how, for some people, Christmas can be a most painful time. There can be many reasons for this, such as the death of a loved one, breakdown in relationships, job uncertainty, health challenges,...

The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered “Man, because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices his money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not...

I recently found out that I have been awarded the 2013 Consumers Choice Award in the category of ‘Alternative Medicine’ for southern Alberta. This award recognizes excellence in business and service. Reflecting on my journey to arrive at this milestone, there are many memories which come...