October 2012 by Mary Anne Lema Recently I was in a conversation with a gentleman regarding farming practices of today. He was of the strong opinion that the world would not be able to feed itself without the use of artificial fertilizers, and that the development...

I recently attended an educational presentation by Dr. Stephen Nugent, regarding the state of food today, how vitamins are made, and how and why health is compromised to such a degree that children today are destined for a shorter life span than their parents. While...

Today, people of all ages struggle with stress to a lesser or greater degree. In a recent news broadcast, it was reported that 26% of emergency room visits are anxiety related. Given that research indicates it is responsible for over 90% of all health challenges,...

All the major religions of the world teach that forgiveness is important for us spiritually, physically and psychologically. When one holds onto anger, bitterness, or hatred, it sets into motion an internal stress reaction affecting the hormones, tissues, organs, psychological wellbeing and behavior. Recently, my daughter’s father-in-law...

Who is a care giver?  Someone who devotes a large portion of time and energy, supporting someone in physical or emotional need, be it an invalid family member, a disabled child, a friend in crisis etc.  The emotional or physical needs of the attendant, be...

The Lotus and the Dragonfly I recently picked up a card for a friend of mine who had lost the love of his life through cancer. The card is of the original painting by Jodi Bergsma, entitled ‘Mystery’. What the painting represents is that there cannot...

So, what’s the BIG difference…………? I would like to draw your attention to the difference between the various RIFE devices and that of the LIFE Biofeedback System. The various RIFE devices, which are therapeutic modalities, are one way systems in that they can only send out frequencies....

Stress, estimated to be responsible for most health challenges, can be minimized, to some degree, with what was covered in the previous article – ‘small daily actions’.  By incorporating small daily actions to reduce stress, you can benefit yourself immensely! Not everyone requires intervention. I love...

A Holistic Health Practitioner is like a doctor, but they deal with the spiritual symptoms of an illness or condition. Traditionally, a doctor would treat your body and not your mind, or treat your mind and not your body. None of these approaches deal with...